14.01.2013 10:31


Disponibile da ora  in free download 'Moshpit', la seconda compilation di Suoni Distorti Magazine con band underground speed/thrash metal.
'Moshpit' racchiude alcune band speed/thrash metal del panorama underground europeo selezionate da noi, cercando di metterle alla vostra attenzione, poichè ritenute valide.
Speriamo che le tracce che compongono questa compilation possano essere di vostro gradimento e tenete d'occhio Suoni Distorti Magazine, perchè tra le pagine del sito troverete le band che ascolterete su 'Moshpit'!
English version:
Available now in free download 'Moshpit', the second compilation of Suoni Distorti Magazine with underground speed/thrash metal bands.
'Moshpit' contains a few speed/thrash metal bands from the underground view selected by us, trying to bring them to your attention, because they are considered valid. We hope that the tracks composed in this compilation can be of your pleasure and also keep an eye on Suoni Distorti Magazine, because between the pages of the site you will find the bands of which you will listen to on 'Moshpit'!
The compilation is available on Free Hard Music (U.S.A.) and through our site in ->This Page!<-
(download included: tracks, art work and complete informations and contacts of the bands)